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来源:| 2024-12-02 16:25

冯汉江,1954年生,湖北汉川人。毕业于湖北美术学院,深造于中央美术学院高研班,刘曦林中国画理论与实践访问学者。长江大学、湖州师范学院教授,研究生导师。中国美术家协会会员,北京世纪采风书画院副院长,浙江省美术家协会第六、七届理事,湖州市美术家协会第四、五届主席,湖州市吴昌硕研究会会长,浙江省中国画研究院研究员,湖北省国画院专业画家,杭州西子画院副院长。他的作品曾获第七届全国美展铜奖,第九届全国版画展优秀创作奖,第十届全国版画展铜奖,纪念“延座讲话”60周年全国美展优秀奖,海峡两岸中国藏书票大展银奖,湖北省第四届版画展特别优秀奖,湖北省第七届美展银奖,浙江省2006美术年系列展银奖,浙江省2009 “群星奖”主题展银奖,鲁迅版画奖,李平凡艺术奖,2016纽约国际艺术博览会金奖,2019东京国际美术大展村三富市奖等奖项,被中国美术馆、北京鲁迅博物馆、湖北省美术馆及德国、日本、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、美国、丹麦、葡萄牙、泰国等国内外数十家艺术机构收藏。他的发表作品有千余幅,出版个人画集、文集、书法作品集十余部,曾在北京、湖北、浙江、甘肃等地举办个人画展。在教学上,曾获长江大学“科研先进”,湖州师范学院“首届陆增镛教师奖”和“首届十佳育人模范”,“浙江省高校育人模范”称号。学术论文曾获湖北省高校论文竞赛优秀奖,中国管理科学院学术成果一等奖。
Feng Hanjiang, born in 1954, is a native of Hanchuan, Hubei Province.
He graduated from the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts and pursued advanced studies in the senior class at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, where he was a visiting scholar in Chinese painting theory and practice under Liu Xilin.
He is a professor and graduate supervisor at Yangtze University and Huzhou University.
He is a member of the China Artists Association, the deputy director of the Beijing Century Fengshou Painting and Calligraphy Institute, a council member of the sixth and seventh Zhejiang Provincial Artists Association, the chairman of the fourth and fifth Huzhou Artists Association, the president of the Wu Changshuo Research Association in Huzhou, a researcher at the Zhejiang Chinese Painting Academy, a professional painter at the Hubei Chinese Painting Academy, and the vice president of the West Lake Painting Academy in Hangzhou.
His works have won numerous awards, including the Bronze Award at the Seventh National Art Exhibition, the Excellence in Creation Award at the Ninth National Printmaking Exhibition, the Bronze Award at the Tenth National Printmaking Exhibition, the Excellence Award at the National Art Exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the "Yan'an Talks," the Silver Award at the Cross-Strait Chinese Ex Libris Exhibition, the Special Excellence Award at the Fourth Hubei Printmaking Exhibition, the Silver Award at the Seventh Hubei Art Exhibition, the Silver Award at the 2006 Zhejiang Art Year Series Exhibition, the Silver Award at the 2009 "Star Award" Themed Exhibition in Zhejiang, the Lu Xun Printmaking Award, the Li Pingfan Art Award, the Gold Award at the 2016 New York International Art Expo, and the Mura Mitsu City Award at the 2019 Tokyo International Art Exhibition.
His works are held in the collections of dozens of art institutions both domestically and internationally, including the National Art Museum of China, the Lu Xun Museum in Beijing, the Hubei Art Museum, as well as institutions in Germany, Japan, Russia, Belarus, the United States, Denmark, Portugal, and Thailand.
He has published over a thousand artworks, more than ten personal art collections, essays, and calligraphy collections, and has held solo exhibitions in Beijing, Hubei, Zhejiang, Gansu, and other locations.
He has received several awards in teaching, including the "Advanced Researcher" at Yangtze University, the "First Lu Zengyong Teacher Award," and the "Top Ten Teaching Models" at Huzhou University, as well as the title of "Model Educator in Zhejiang Province Higher Education."
His academic papers have won the Excellence Award in the Hubei Provincial Higher Education Paper Competition and the First Prize for Academic Achievements from the China Academy of Management Science.












